Last updated 1 year ago
Phase 1
Institutional Website;
Company Formation and CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities in Brazil);
Social Media Launch;
Visual Identity;
Partnerships with YouTubers;
Partnerships with Producers and Record Labels;
Phase 2
PinkSale Fair-Launch;
Creation of NFTs;
Creation of the NFT System;
AMA Sessions
Staking Pool;
Artist Management;
Profit Distribution to Investors;
Reward Distribution;
Phase 3
CoinMarketCap Listing
CoinGecko Listing;
YouTube Content Production for the Project
Listing on CoinTiger;
BlockSound DEX;
First MC event at our concert venue;
Phase 4
Implementation of advanced marketing strategies;
MLM events and meetings to grow the network;
Partnerships that will add more functionality to the token
Phase 5
1st National BlockSound Event in São Paulo, the capital;
Distribution of the first round of additional 30% profit bonuses;
Launch of the royalty platform.